Operation Wake the HELL UP!!!

Did you know you have reincarnated multiple times on planet earth? There are many souls who belong to planet earth and many souls who have come from different star systems around the galaxy and universe. It is estimated that about half of the population are star seeds. Planet earth was designed to be a university for soul growth, to be the ultimate experience and vacation for many galactic races. Planet Earth has been seeded many times by star races like the Arcturians and the Annunaki. Earth is unique in the manner that it is a free will planet meaning that anything that happens is utterly and completely up to the individual soul who has incarnated in their avatar. The Atma (soul) is immortal and is a part of creator (God) and always has been and always will be. If you believe that you are Joe and think that is who you actually are, you are gravely mistaken. You do not remember your past experiences because DNA was manipulated on the human race millennia ago along with the invasion of menevolent star races to create a program where the soul is continuously reincarnated and programmed to lose it memory upon entering the earth. Humans on planet earth have been slaves for millenia on the behalf of of these dark forces. You are meant to be free and have everything that your soul desires on this planet.You are not meant to suffer, to work like a slave, to be sick in fact the human body was originally designed to live on for hundreds of years. Currently we are in the process of freeing planet earth, and in fact we are very peaceful civilization as a whole, do not listen to the media as it has programming to make you think the opposite and it is in fact why many people do not watch the news because deep down at the soul level they know the truth. We as a civilization have been more in peace than even the Lemuria and Atlantian times. Those where very advanced eras on planet earth and unfortunately ended because the Atlantians and Lemurians could not get along. It's more than likely that you where a part of those civilizations and had an incarnation in those times. You are in fact a very important individual, a unique soul spark, a part of God, a God, a creator and have done the process of freeing and creating a planet of abundance based on Love on many other star systems. You simply forgot your origins and i tell you that it is time you remember, it is imperative you remember, wake the fuck up, it is now time to go to work and clean up the planet, show your loving ways and kick the dark out once and for all. Gaia is a soul and is very conscious being and has been mistreated for mileannia it is also why you came here to assist with operation Gaia cleanup. Gaia, we heard your call loud and clear my love, Gaia needs to be restored to its pristine condition and you better bet on everything that WE will not fail, not with my experience, and not with your experience. Very soon we will create abundance in the form of money to assist with these projects across plantet earth. So, i tell you to get ready to roll your sleeves up and get ready to show the way of love across the planet. Many will not accept their history and their future and will decide to believe the lies that have dominanted for millenia, and i tell you there is many other planets waiting for you with much of the same if that is what you so desire, but it is up to you to decide to wake up or stay asleep. What we do here will be the template for many other planets across this galaxy. We have the support of Heaven, we have the support of many galactic civilizations and IT IS TIME. All LOVE, Ricardo.


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