QFS and RV Platform - Hedera Hashgraph

Quantum physics was introduced in the 1900's and has since then been further theorized by many scientists, Quantum is the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, whether it is energy or matter at the atomic and subatomic level. Quantum theory itself is complicated to grasp, but can be put into layman terms by introducing the Schrodinger Cat concept. Take a cat and put the cat into a thick lead box, by observing the cat it's state is that it is alive. If you take some poison in a capsule and put it in the box and close it, at that time you no longer have the ability to observe if the cat is dead or alive, so the cat can be in both states at once, quantum physics calls this superposition state. It is not until you open the box and observe the cat and you observe if it is dead or alive that the specific state exists. The second part to the quantum theory is the multi-verse theory that when the object is in superposition the objects universe instantly creates a series of parallel realities equal to the number of possible states that object can exist. One universe for the alive cat, and one universe for the dead cat, one universe there is no cat, so on and so forth. There is also a mechanism for interaction between these universes that allows these universes to be accessible and affected at any time. Quantum entanglement occurs when a pair of particles, such as photons, can interact on a physical level. A laser beam shot thorough a certain type of crystal can cause the single photons to be split into pair of entangled photons. The entangled photons can be widely separated and when observed, Photon A will take a up-spin state. Entangled photon B in the down spin state, the transfer of state between Photon A and B then takes place at the speed of at least 10,000 times the speed of light, or instantaneously regardless of the distance.
These principles have then since been applied to quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum programming. Regardless of the quantum technology, it is to be created on the basis of what we currently know about quantum physics. Recently a new technology was announced, Hedera Hashgraph which is a Decentralized Ledger Technology, more on it this technology later in this article and how it relates to the quantum world, it is different from the traditional known block chain cryptocurrency's such as Bitcoin. Companies such as Bitcoin are used for any individual or business to make instant money transactions without any middle men such as banks. These transactions are secure and by using a block chain or a record is kept of what happened, this can be a contract or a sale of an item. Strong computer codes then ensure no record of the transactions can be altered after the fact. Simply put a block-chain is a record of transactions and people verify these transactions.
Say you are selling cookies from your home and someone named Bob Doe makes a purchase of one cookie for $2 from Alice Cookies, the blockchain or transaction (Bob Doe purchased a Cookie for $2 from Alice Cookies) then gets copied to all the other Cookie sellers in the town who write the transaction to their block chain ledger. The copy process of the ledger is a verification from all the other Cookie vendors themselves. So if the transaction had instead said, "Bob Doe purchased a cookie for $300 from Alice Cookies" the other Cookie vendors could flag that transaction as not being fair, because its way overpriced or maybe Alice isn't an accredited salesperson in the town. The block chain is then not accepted by the community, because it does not meet the rules for a Cookie vendor. This simple explanation applies to any company where any transaction is verified by the community that makeup the rules. This process is Transparent, Secure, can be instantaneous and is decentralized (no bank authority charging late fees or transaction fees). Block chain technology is certainly not perfect as it is not hack proof and can only guarantee about 3 to 15 transactions per second. This would be difficult for businesses to adapt to such a technology.
So where does Hedera Hasgraph come into play? Hashgraph is yet another distributed ledger technology. It is a patented technology that is devised by Leemon Baird and licensed under the Swirlds Corporation. It is simply an advanced version of Distributed Ledger Technology that solves the speed of transactions problem in which it can process up to 15,000 transactions per second. Hedera Hashgraph does not use block chain technology and instead uses two algorithms which are Gossip about Gossip and Virtual Voting. Gossip about Gossip requires everyone on the network (via the internet) to be able to talk to each other, so lets say Alice, Bob, Charlie, and David are in the network, each of them creates a transaction and then randomly will share their transaction with at least two of the members of the network, the order is random and no one will know who will share with who. Once the transactions are completed everyone will have a copy of them. It is a tree-like system where you can visualize the leaves to be connected with other leaves. Virtual Voting then is used to reach a consensus for deciding the order of the transactions.
Hedera Hashgraph provides a more secure, fast and fair system for currency exchange. Secure in that the consensus cannot be altered by a hacker because of the way the transactions are connected to each other (super secure encryption) and transactions cannot be reversed once they are committed. Fair in which a hacker cannot guess in which order the consensus will happen (hacker can't do anything to manipulate the end result by himself). Fast in which the Gossip about Gossip protocol will spread transactions to other participants in the network in a lightning quick way. This varies from Block Chain technology in which transactions are only processed by a "miner" who will verify the transaction depending on how much he will collect from a fee required to make the transaction. So, if a transaction is paying out a fee of $5 vs $.5 cents a "miner" is more likely to pick up and process that transaction rather quick. Transactions have been recorded to take anywhere from 30 minutes to 16 hours for Block Chain technology. You can see how the Hedera Hashgraph technology is much quicker and does not require a "miner" to process the transaction. The chart below give some comparison in fees and speed.
Okay that is a good and great, but how is crypto currency worth anything? Is it a fiat based system, meaning its only worth is based off faith backed by a government, rather than being backed up by a physical asset, such as gold. Current fiat currency takes the form of physical dollars or electronic bank credit. Governments then control the supply and you pay taxes with it. Crypto currency is not a legal tender in which it cannot be controlled by a government or bank because its decentralized as we have talked about. It is used more in a sense of an electronic way such as bank credit. The supply is controlled by the technology algorithm. So both can be called currency or money as that they can be used for means of exchange that are used to store and transfer value, used to purchase goods or services, both have their value governed by supply, demand, work, scarcity, and other economic factors, both have their value affected by the quality of the system surrounding it, both can be traded on exchanges, etc.
Where is crypto currency used in the real word? As i have discussed previously it can be used in the Financial and Banking Industry, to cut the middle man out and remove a lot of time, risk, and money involved in dealing with the transactions. Industries that are at high risk for fraud can use the technologies to verify their wares. In the digital world of movies, music and online ads it can be used to prevent piracy by stating intellectual property and history of payment using new file formats.
So now that you have a high level understanding of how these crypto currencies work, how can this be applied to the Quantum world and will this technology really be the underlying technology of the Quantum Financial System and how it is distributed when the RV happens. We really need to ask ourselves a couple of questions. One, is the technology truly secure in a manner that no one could one could hack it, securing our funds and making sure no one can steal it is important. Second, is the system decentralized in such a manner that not one entity can make the rules and regulations giving them the sole advantage making profits while screwing everyone else involved (ending debt slavery) and i am talking about we the people having true control, rather than big businesses. Third, will every business and person adapt this system, this will take a global effort and cooperation for everyone to adapt. Fourth, where will this digital currency exist (The 50 million dollars i have in my account) as it stands it would have to exist in the ledger which would be on everyone's computers with a digital certificate tying it back to gold. The biggest question is this technology truly quantum based? As this seems to be the technology that has been promised to us by the galactic's that would be nothing like we have ever seen before, no equivalent technology exists compared to it. I have done some research in to where Hedera Hashgraph would fall into the spectrum of quantum. Is it on a quantum computer, is it a qauntum cryptocurrency, is it quantum programming.
Let's do a high a very level of each, because this is already hard to grasp, I will keep it very simple. Quantum computing is an advancement from digital computing where it understands 1's and 0's and quantum computers understand qubits which is 1's and 0's at the same time. The superposition allows the QC to be faster and more efficient. Secondly is the entanglement of the qubit, which means all the qubits can be manipulated at the same time. There essentially would need to be chips and machines capable of capturing the behavior of the particle and use it to their effect. So what currently exists that would quantify anything remotely close to a quantum computer with this capability. IBM currently has the IBMQSystemOne, and Google claims to have quantum computer supremacy and have invested in developing quantum processors and algorithms. You can go on their cloud platform that is running off quantum processors and build some quantum based code. As to having an actual real life application and selling hardware to the public, is still up for grabs (Hedera, wink, wink) .
Quantum Programming is simply how humans write and send instructions and receive output from the quantum computer. A language to talk to them. A quantum computer is simply a hybrid, meaning that the processor hardware is quantum and the software is your classic computer. There is quantum programming languages that interact with traditional programming software, this gives the programmer a super easy way to write code that conforms to quantum algorithms. IBM, Google and Microsoft all have software kits that allow you to program at the quantum level. Expect to see quantum computing used for Computational chemistry (reactions of chemicals), such as improving lithium ion battery life. Another example would be drug design, rather than trial and error in a physical manner, mix batches in a simulation that would yield a faster result to a cure. In the Finance industry it would be useful in the way we have discussed cryptocurrency. In logistics and scheduling it could help the airline industry to best setup plane routes and times to maximize flights or production schedules in a factory managing inventory and stock, anything you can simulate faster a quantum computer would be able to process it insanely quick. Negatively, It can also be used to crack encrypted material, imagine the speed and the different combinations it can process, something to be aware of that with great power it can be used against the very thing it's helping you achieve. Another reason why block chain will not be secure, is that you can run a quantum computation against it and crack it (manipulate transactions).
Now that you have the bigger picture and you bring it all together what you can gather is that there are a few missing pieces to the puzzle. Hedera Hashgraph by no means lives up to any of the defenitions of being quantum technology we just defined. It is certainly would not fall under breakthrough next level technology like we have never seen. What I can certainly gather is that the speed and the way Hashgraph shares information can certainly relate to quantum superposition. Think of the example earlier where Alice, Bob, Charlie and David are on a network (entanglement), their computers are the photons and can share information about transactions (positions) at a very fast if not instantaneous pace through the gossip about gossip protocol. All of these computers for certain are not quantum themselves, as they are just classic computers sitting in people's homes or maybe on cell phones. Is this a let down? By no means be disappointed, there is a reason this technology is somewhat quantum based. The fact that it can handle 15,000 plus transactions per second is a good sign that there is certainly something in the works that would be able to handle all the transactions to come with the release of the RV. The technology alone would be able to handle all of Visas transactions from any modern day internet connected home, just one. Wow! This could also be a sign that quantum technology is set to be released very soon to really interface with quantum principles. I would envision everything from mobile phones, laptops, home computers, smart watches, you name it, to transition to a quantum based hardware. We would then interface with our devices from a consciousness level and quantum computers would be nothing like we have experienced them before. We wouldn't be able to lie or cheat the system because this intellectual 5D based entity would know everything about us from a DNA to the soul spark self level. It has been said our science and spirituality must merge if we want to advance to the next levels. The next levels are to be 5th Dimensional, which is not a physical place you go to, but instead all your past, present and future already exist with all the infinite possibilities, abundance, joy and peace will be your default state. There is absolute zero lack, zero fear, zero pain and no time in this dimension, in fact money doesn't even exist at this level. If we are to have such technologies we must be spiritually advanced and responsible.
This is certainly a step in the right direction and does look promising. There is a reason why some tech giants have been working with quantum technology and that is because it already exists and they have the formulas and the devices at the ready. The Quantum Supremacy that Google claims is bold statement and I would guarantee Galactic involvement in this. I am almost certain Hedera has something up their sleeve and aren't telling the whole story yet, but they are being backed up by some big companies like T-mobile, IBM, and Boeing. All the development of the programming code and direction of the technology will be overseen by all these different companies to ensure not one single company has say in it all. I am still weary that it will be up to these companies and executives to make the best decisions with us in mind. It has been said that we will see more star seeds, light workers etc, in these type of leadership positions that would guarantee there is no shenanigans going on and have humanity interest first rather than trying to acquire and hoard all the wealth. The governing board members have a three year term limit with two consecutive terms, it is not very clear if that will only be available to individuals employed by these companies.
In closing, I expect nothing but magnificent things. We must remember that the light is now in control, this has been decreed by source himself. Soon we should see a roll out of the RV and do expect that Hedera Hashgraph will be underlying technology and expect that other supplementing quantum technology will be released. This is a transition between dimensions, but will be a good stepping stone to get us to build to 5-D quickly. As with everything that we read and do, the ascended masters and Q are always telling us to use our discernment and do our research. The research was done to remove any doubts and ensure we are not being played, it is strictly my opinion and I have been divinely guided to write this and release this information to you, if this does not resonate with you, move on. I hope this has served everyone as a learning experience and these are certainly exciting times and i cannot wait for what is to come. Remember that love is all there is, don't forget to laugh, support, be joyous to one another.
What the quantum theory can teach us if there is an infinite amount of possibilities, then what we focus on and observe is the reality we access and create, you are the architect. - Ricardo Romero.


  1. interesting,do you think this hedera hashgraph will be the only financial system in

    1. I would say if it is to be a global financial system then yes, but only temporarily as we will move to a state where we won't even need money because of technology advancement.

  2. I agree with this, because I understand Hashgraph, but about the whole 5D thing and star seeds thing. Where are you getting the info from? Any recommendations?

  3. Happy to be a Hedera Follower/Investor since 2017


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