The Orders of Heaven - Part One

I would like to start by saying that for the most part any religion does not have it all wrong, there are many clues, hints and prophecies that hint to the actual truth, such as there being one GOD and all creator, YES there is one creator/source/god. God is in all of us, we are him, he is us, he creates, we create. I can promise you it is more fun than what you have been taught growing up. The truth is that powerful elites have been withholding many truths to our history. Jesus did come to Earth, but it was not to die for our sins and to come to him to worship and the Father and to repent, give your money away, etc. You see, that was all to control you and fund the elite to have power over others. He was simply an ascended master from the heavens trying to teach principles of light, love, joy and unity without expecting anything in return. The story is that it did not start with Adam and Eve, then Jesus, and one planet that was created with the human race. It is far more greater than that, there are many planetary systems full of sentient life and very advanced civilizations from different galaxies and even universes. So, i say if you can entertain the idea of the simplicity of a story of the Adam and Eve then you can listen to this short story of how life is manifested and maintained. This is part one of the story, the second and other parts will get into different topics, overall, It is an adventure and truth of YOUR true history. In the end, It will help you understand that you do not just live once and die and go to a heaven or hell. It will help you understand that you are ETERNAL and have always been and will always be. You have been a woman, man, gay, straight, evil, loving, dark, suffered tragedies, and been in pure bliss. So how can you turn your cheek, discriminate or doubt any of the truth knowing you have been all there is, experienced it all? But how did we get here and how was it all orchestrated? First we must understand the bigger picture.

 There is an hierarchy in the heavens, the ones who give orders to serve the one, the creator. There are many multitudes of councils, shot callers and administrations in the heavens. To keep it simple there is three levels from the top it starts with the Councils, then the Orders of heaven and then the administrations. The main purpose is to carry out Gods will or divine plan. This is what i spoke about earlier to be taken out in love, joy and unity. Lets start with the Orders of the Elohim, they primarily are responsible for the holy task of maintaining Creations continuous dimensional transformations. Second the great Orders of Time Lord regulate the manner in which the divine plan is carried out. Third the Angelic Realms move the sacred energy among dimensions, the Elohim take it and transform it for each dimension, the Order of Time Lord follow its time-stream through creation, making certain that it flows steadily in all which follows the divine plan. Administrations inform the others of what is happening, they oversee the divine plan, and they monitor each soul assigned to them. The whole process is very complex and every part of Heaven understands that Heaven is composed of ONE interconnected entity. Each task requires all three aspects complete a share of the strategy.

Turning our attention to the angelic realms is something we are all more familiar with. Direct orders come from the Creator to the Archangels and then distributed to the Orders for distribution. There are seven levels to the angelic kingdom which are Archangels, Angels, Angelic Presences, Divine Presences, Galactic Presences, Physical Angels and Devas. Physical Angels and Devas represent the angelic realms in physicality. Archangels are the chief administrators of any sectors of the Heavens. They are the primary messengers of the good news of creation, Archangels use divine grace to transform Creation and guide the various Orders towards achieving their holy objectives. The activities of Archangels are monitored by the many sacred Councils that each Archangel has created. The Counsels devise the sacred strategies of the Angels. Angels are the 'worker bees' so to speak, of the Angelic realm. They are what guide all of us, all sentient physical beings. Angels work next to the Order of Elohim and Time Lord to assist with any great works such as manifesting reality within dimensions. Keep in mind that it does not matter where they are in the ladder, Any aspect of Heaven is willing to assist any other in divine service. Last, Divine Presences are sacred entities who work in any reality primarily maintaining the dynamic of the consciousness field. The divine plan is actually a cosmic symphony, and each note needs to be in harmony with all others. The Divine Presences are always adjusting the co-creative process.

The last three sectors of the Angelic Realms are focused to physicality. The sacred purpose is to guide physical consciousness to its fullest potential. They are divided into Galactic Presences, Physical Angels and numerous classifications of the Devic Kingdom. They establish procedures to maintain various life forms in physicality. In the Physical it is much denser than in Spirit and it is typically a place where the Light and dark energies are more or less even playing field. The physical is a place where some of the most important lessons of this Creation are taught to Spirit's many children. All physical things are an illusion. Physical reality can be modified when enough physical Angels collectively decide to change their perceptions about their current reality, which is why you often hear we create our own reality. This is especially true as a collective and why we need to collectively raise our vibrations. The highest order of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the physical realm is the galactic presences and they are broken into many Councils and are responsible for supervising the different aspects of the physical angels such as guiding physical Angels. In our world we know them as the Ascended Masters. These great lights sometimes guide by incarnating in physical form (Jesus). Their way shows physical Angels in which any reality can be transformed by appropriate intention and balance thought. Ascended Masters and physical Angels work with the many Devic Kingdoms. Devas are unique Light Beings cooperating alongside with all celestial life forms. Each group of Devas has the responsibility of watching over specific life forms that are made up of the planet's biosphere. Devas have their own council which act as a spiritual parent of an entire species, such as a plant or animal. They are watched over by the Councils of Galactic Presences, the Councils are assigned to a star, plant or a moon. The main objective is to move physicality through its Ascension process, or evolution of consciousness. Physicality is a vehicle for allowing spirit to experience and analyze itself in ever new and unique ways. Physical life is a journey which everyone follows through all the realms and pathways of Creation. Each physical lifetime brings you closer to the Creator. Life is but a dream expressed through the pure thought of the Divine, the Creator's divine WILL.

I really want to touch on physical Angels, so a brief history is proper. Physical Angels are a major component in the Orders of Heaven in physical reality. As stated before they have been brought into being by the Creator to maintain physicality and provide Heaven with those vital lessons and experiences that are part of the divine plan. Physical Angels are blessed beings as they are able to reside in the realms of physical and Heaven. Physical Angels take the presence in many forms, skin colors and sizes. They are able to give to all other unique life forms of physical reality the necessary life and information-energy fields required to exist and procreate. Each are dedicated advocate of the Creator's divine plan. Ten billion years ago, physical Angels were injected into the Milky Way Galaxy. Initially the order was to help the Orders of the Elohim in shaping the planetary systems now existing in our galaxy. In their initial form, they were ethereal and resistant to heat, cold or any other type of radiation that resides in physical reality. As full conscious beings, they were eternal. They existed in this form for seven billion years, then physical Angels began to inhabit the planets and star systems of this galaxy and retained their ethereal form and where able to change their size from many thousands of miles in height to only 500-200 feet tall. They worked along side the Devic kingdom to form the land, water and sky critical to the emergence of sentient life on millions of pre-selected worlds. The next two and one-half billion years, physical Angels worked with the Devas and brought forth the planets in our galaxy.

Once this project was completed, physical Angels subdivided into two categories. The first was the many Councils of the Galactic Presences that exist in our galaxy to this day. The holy task of this group is to act as advisers and guides to the physical Angels, they act as liaisons among Heaven, the physical Angels, and the rest of physical reality. The second category are composed of the physical Angels themselves. The sacred service of this group of divine Beings is two-fold in nature, first, they work with the many divisions of the Devas or planetary Elemental to support the continuation of Life and its diversity in a planet's biosphere. This provides for the continuation of the planet's food chain through the continued procreation of its life forms. The second is to assist the Local Orders of Elohim in keeping many planets and whole star system operating at maximum efficiency. The Earth itself is one of the most remarkable planets in the Milky Way Galaxy as it supports practically every form of life found in our galaxy and enjoys the most unique combination of water, land, and sky to be found anywhere. So, this planet is home to a most extraordinary situation, the loss and the regaining of full consciousness by a very special collection of physical Angels. These beings originated in all parts of our Galaxy, the particular life form selected is 'Homo Sapiens' or Human Beings. During the past eleven millennia, Humans have been repeatedly incarnated into an environment that is detrimental to the overall well being of the planet and ourselves. It is US, that exist in a limited state of consciousness with its associated amnesia. This condition has robbed us from any recognition of who we really are. That is what is currently happening right now, in a divine project, to transform back into our spectacular selves. Currently we are destroying this most precious jewel, we have been misguided to replace natural Earth environments with artificial and highly toxic ones.

Our society is filled with hate, jealousy, and petty manipulation and still love, compassion and a general caring for each other and for our planet still exists. It is our birth right to ascend into physical Angels and care for mother Earth. Our DNA/RNA was stripped from 12 strands to 2 strands as part of the dark agenda to control and enslave the human populations eons ago. Most modern day scientists call the rest "Junk DNA" and is part of the cover up of us knowing our true capabilities. The Galactic federation of light which consists of many members of star systems from this galaxy and other galaxies across the universe has been in the process hundreds of years to bring online the rest of the DNA strands and assist us through ascension. With a full 12 DNA strand online we are GOD, we have GOD powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and telekinesis. We are able to live much longer up to hundreds of years, that is why you see in biblical times and references people living up to hundreds of years, Aha! Our bodies are currently being transformed from carbon based to crystalline based which is more of a light body that would allow us to travel inter-dimension-ally to other star systems, galaxies and even universes in a blink of an eye.  Does this not all sound marvelous? I think it does, so give it some thought, let it process. There is so much more to it all, that i am not able to put into one writing. Look for a second, third or fourth post in the future where i will touch base on our galactic wars, further history of our earth, the specific physical angels/Orders of Elohim that seeded planet Terra (name before Earth), Mather/Father God, other Archangels that are helping us ascend and i hope to go into why we chose this crazy drama we call life.

Remember you are all light beings, physical Angels, holy, you are Love, a full embodiment of God and the creator. This is a special time and the time is here for all of us to remember who we REALLY are. We chose to be here at this particular time, it is the first time Ascension has been carried out in a physical body. Remember, 2019 is a big year and is why currently all you see and hear in the news is crazy, all the old must come up for the new to begin. It is about to become even more chaotic, so ground yourselves, meditate, rest, drink plenty of water, hold on to your HATS, and most importantly be in love.

Blessings, All Love!

Sources: Special thanks to Sheldon Nidle, a lot of content referenced is from his book Your First Contact. 
Other information is channeled from special individuals who are in constant contact with Lord Micheal / Lord Aescapulus / Lord Metratron.


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