My Story

Why am I posting all these "crazy" messages? Where do they come from? I will give a short statement on my history, to brief it up without writing a book and after that is a high level over view of all the knowledge I have learned ever since the year 2012, when the golden age started.

It was merely thoughts popping into my head really questioning religion, our origins, who created us. Growing up, my family and I where really devoted Catholics, going to church, catacism, first communion, and devoting prayer nights for a straight month for the rosary was the norm. Also growing up and being raised in Northwest Iowa, going to church and Christianity is the norm. So, I definitely know the whole story. :) In a way it was the biggest blessing in Disguise, as I ate it up all my child hood and into my adulthood, but really made me question a lot of what I was learning. For me the deal breaker was that God would burn a soul in hell for eternity concept. That just did not resonate with me, I am just a human being in this body and not even I would have it in me to punish any of my children if they didn't believe in me, sin, and committed the most horrid crimes. In short that is what just really got me to my core, and I could feel it in all my being. So it did really push me and had me questioning everything.

 It started with being fascinated by Near death experiences, i would watch hours of accounts of people who "crossed over" and came back and lived to tell about it. Stories being told, Being out of body, asking for the meaning of life and receiving answers, meeting passed family members and the list goes on. Nanci Danison and Mellon-Thomas Benedict really had my interest, they would talk about some of the most amazing things in their near death experiences. History of earth and the future of earth, really advanced technologies such as medical healing beds that could cure cancer. All over, no matter where you would search, books and online all NDE experiences where exactly the same story. There has to be some truth to this, there is the proof. No way someone could just make this all up and spread it online, interview multiple people and write thousands of books on it. There's just no way, so i definitely had the physical evidence I guess you could say and deep within me this all resonated with me more than anything I had ever learned growing up Catholic.

Time goes on and I sort of drop it, work, kids, and building a home put my spirituality in the back burner. It was not until 2017 that something inside of me really hit again, all these feelings started to creep back and I just asked as a child would, "what's below the earth, in space, we are just sort of floating here, is there sand or something?". Now I have always been fascinated by space, galaxies, and stars. Marvel the Avengers, Star Wars, Star Trek, where up my alley. I remember times being outside in the summer staring at the stars in amazement and just asking what else is out there? Billions of stars, thousands of galaxies and here I am, this can't be it. After switching jobs for the second time in about a year, being all settled in the new house, things were quiet and I was enjoying family, and more time to my self, I was watching a Netflix show, Alien Contact - Outer Space and a clip started playing about a news cast in England being interrupted and they played the clip from Ashtar from the Galactic Federation of light, this really had my attention as SETI had never mentioned anything of this sort and they have millions dollars of equipment pointing at the stars listening to signals from outer space. The sound played and it was him stating that they are friendly Galactics, reaching out to humanity because they where concerned about the state of earth, how we treated each other and planet earth. If the path continued it would not be a good thing. There was more to the message and I don't fully recall all of it but you are free to watch the documentary on Netflix.

This all had my attention and I was shocked, excited and i felt alive. But,okay that clip was from the 70s and was that it? I wanted more.... I did a basic search online for the "Galactic Federation of Light" and to my surprise there was quite a bit of content out there. A website caught my eye, it was by Sheldan Nidle. This individual had some really cool content on his website, including information about the Galactic Federation of Light. His story was about being able to communicate with these Galactic being and many visits as a child. His website was also full of all the communications with these beings. Reading through all the content most of this stuff was out of this world, almost sounded like reading a science fiction novel, but it was all content that resonated with me. He also had two books that i purchased and read, Your First Contact and Your Galactic Neighbors. These books had content about other planets, other galaxies, our true DNA, history of Earth, and other sentient beings from different star systems. Again, it was like reading through a Sci-Fi book. At this point i was hooked and eventually read through most of his content and all of his books in a few months. At one point it was almost information overload and i just needed some time to process all of this stuff. Is it real? Are these people fucking with us? These questions definitely came into my conscious. Yet for some reason, i had no reason to believe he was making this up, plus he is a very well educated man, has a Ph. D and studied in Sciences, and it all just kind of resonated with me at a deep level.

 You Tube was a good resource to learn about most of this stuff. I wanted to make sure i wasn't crazy, and make sense of all this at a deeper level. I mean, i know i'm not crazy, i am just very analytical. What else is out there? Who else is talking about this? Dr. Steven Greer, Elizabeth April, Corey Goode, Emery Smith, Person after person all stating a lot of the same material. Documentaries on Netflix, Amazon most of these people very well educated, some doctors. Some backed by high ranking government and military officials. It just came to a point of hearing a lot of this stuff and connecting the dots that something was happening and this wasn't conspiracy theory bullshit. There is no way someone can orchestrate this massive of a story. Imagine the funds, imagine all the resources and time it would take to sync all of this together.

 It was early 2018, The family and i where planning a vacation to Cancun, Mexico in the Spring/Summer. A lot of excitement in the air, and i happen to be going through Sheldon Nidle website, as his content i resonated with a lot. Clicking around his website led me to another website "Sananda - Love is our new reality". It was basically a website of individuals who through meditation are able to channel many different beings both celestial and extra-terrestrial. There are daily postings going back quite a while, that talk about the golden age, ascension, current happening with our government, and our future.

 I want to put this all together and share my last thoughts before i share the high level overview of whats going on. You don't have to believe any of this material, that is your right to believe what you want to believe. I am not in a cult, I know i'm not crazy, I am not starting a new religion, I am fully functional member of society, doing very well for myself in fact and I am just sharing my story and how everything came to be, how everything was pieced together, was it all coincidence? Maybe...Maybe not. I am past of what people may think or have an opinion on, its not about me. I don't go around and push these beliefs on people, i talk about it and whether you believe me or not is completely up to YOU. I believe this was my calling to Earth and i have "awakened" myself, just as many others, at the proper time to share a message and help people through what is coming next in our wonderful journey. We must "awaken" the rest of humanity on what is really going on behind the scenes. It has been bitter sweet experience so far, exciting to learn a lot of our true history and also much of what i believe is not the normal, so often i don't speak about it, i may post on social media as you have the option to follow me or block me. All in all it can be a lonely world, there is others out there, but not around here, i feel the time is right now to share it all.

 Below is an article from my friend, Per Baverstam on his website, "Sananda - Love is our new reality" - This article puts everything in perspective at a high level and matches all the research i have done. It is quite wonderful. I hope you will go in with an open heart and get to know the Galactics Ashtar, Sananda, Saint Germain and the Archangels. The time is now as we approach 2019.

Perspective on the new reality

In order to be able to follow this website with its channeled messages and relevant information from other sources it is helpful to read the following brief summary of this complex topic.

Channeled messages come via many channels and sources, for instance via Mike Quinsey (a channel for SaLuSa from Sirius), Sheldan Nidle, and other extraterrestrials from the Arcturian and Pleiadian star systems. It is necessary to have a certain knowledge regarding the reality they are speaking from, and which will be ours, for those who so wish. These extraterrestrials represent and are part of the Galactic Federation of Light. In addition channeled messages are forthcoming from our Ascended Masters, such as Sananda (Jesus) and Saint Germain, plus many Archangels. These Ascended Masters reside primarily on ships belonging to the Galactic Federation of Light.

We want to start by saying that the disclosure of the existence of loving and supportive extraterrestrials is very close in time. The exact date is not given and is dependent on developments.

Let us first put together the context from a broader perspective. Our solar system itself circulate around the Central Sun – Alcyone. Alcyone is the central sun in the Pleiadian Star system and our solar system could also be considered as part of the Pleiadian system. The time to orbit is about 25860 years, which is one cycle. Alcyone and all Suns circulating around Alcyone also circulate around the Milky Way Galaxy, with an orbit of around 220 million years.

During the passage around Alcyone our solar system goes through the photon belt during certain periods of the full 25860-year cycle. We have recently started our entry into the photon belt, which is one reason for the heightened energies of Love and Light that Earth is experiencing.

Officially, our latest cycle ended on December 21, 2012, and we are now in the new cycle. The new cycle is often referred to as the Golden Age. The date is confirmed by the Mayan Calendar, which ended at this date. The calendar has always said it was the end of a cycle and the start of a new, which some have misinterpreted as meaning the end of the world. The Hindu calendar, according to many scholars, also puts an end to the dark Kali Yuga cycle at this time and the entry into the Satya Yuga. Similarly many indigenous spiritual belief systems have 2012 as the end of an era and the official start of a new one.

The human species was seeded on Earth the last time about 800,000 years ago on the continent Lemuria, formerly located in the Pacific Ocean. Before this human root races had also been seeded on Earth, but were removed from Earth by other Galactic races. The Human race originally evolved in the Vega Star system from aquatic roots about 7 million years ago.

The human colony on Lemuria thrived for a long time, but went under about 26000 years ago, due to among other things unbalanced energies – with a surplus of feminine energies. Many of the inhabitants managed to escape the sinking continent to reach Inner Earth – Agartha – where they continued to evolve and have reached a higher level of consciousness (5th dimensional consciousness).

Part of the demise of Lemuria was also the conflict with the Atlantis continent, which suffered under an unbalanced surplus of male energies. In the latter years of this continent, which went under 13000 years ago, the Atlanteans pursued dark agendas, which included reducing our forefathers to a status of limited consciousness, which we have suffered under since then. This dark agenda also led to the very physical demise of the continent, which was located largely in what we today call the Bermuda triangle. The Atlantis society used very advanced crystal technologies. As the continent sank under the waves very large crystals ended up on the ocean floor. These crystals are today responsible for many unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes, due to opening up of portals thanks to interaction between sunlight and the crystals.

The Inner Earth or Agartha might be a very surprising aspect for some. According to the description of reality in messages posted on this site Earth is hollow. The shell is proportionally as thick as the peel of an orange or about 800 miles. Other planets in this solar system, such as Mars and Venus, and other planets around other stars are also hollow. This is the norm in the Universe.

There are wide entrances to Inner Earth at both the South Pole and the North Pole. American Admiral Byrd describes his airplane flight via the North Pole into the Inner Earth and back in 1947. In addition there exist tunnel systems at other latitudes to Inner Earth, particularly in Tibet. The fables from Tibet of Shangri-La describe life in Inner Earth and the city Shambala that lies directly underneath the Himalayan mountain complex. Also, the city of Telos in Inner Earth is located underneath Mount Shasta in the United States and it is connected via systems of secret tunnels to Earth surface.

Gravity functions in such a way that it is reversed (180 degrees) in Inner Earth compared to the surface world. About four hundred miles down in the crust of Earth there is a neutral zone with zero gravity, before it reverses direction as you move yet deeper and reach Inner Earth. Inner Earth also has an Inner Sun, which on the shores of the Inner Earth appears roughly the same size as our Sun Sol, the latter is located at a much larger distance. The Inner Sun has a more diffuse light and is also sometimes referred to as the Core or Seed of the Earth.

Before the demise of Atlantis (and also Lemuria) mankind had a higher level of consciousness. The dark Atlanteans engineered a reduction in consciousness in the human race, to what we now call the third dimension or duality or just simply limited consciousness. The term living in the illusion also refers to this level. This traumatic experience of moving down to this lower level of consciousness still lingers in our sub-conscious minds, expressed as the fear of the end of the world. However, the end of this cycle will not coincide with a new catastrophic development, as did previous ends of cycles, – quite the revers.

Some people from Atlantis managed to escape the sinking of Atlantis in physical form. They fled to for instance Guatemala and these people come to be known as the Mayans. In fact, Maya was the name of the priesthood at Atlantis. The Hopi Indians are also direct descendants from the Mayas and Atlantis. Other people fled to Ireland and on to Egypt. This started the Egyptian civilization.

Pyramids are a central form from Atlantis, with a unique spiritual meaning. Pyramids also exist in Guatemala, Egypt, Bosnia and other parts of the world. The three large pyramids in Egypt, for instance the Cheops pyramid, and the Sphinx were however constructed by extraterrestrials about 40,000 years ago. They are located in line with the Sirius star system (The North Star) on a very important node or chakra in the Earth energy field.

The concepts of reincarnation and that the soul is immortal are central among these messages and a fact, in spite of the fact that many do not believe so. Many of us who are now incarnate on Earth were also incarnate during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. Some other souls who now are here and incarnate came from other planets in other solar systems and they are called Starseeds. Regardless of the recent origin of the souls the common focus is now to lift the human consciousness level – Ascension. This time it will not be a failure, as at the end times of Atlantis and Lemuria. The male and female energies will be balanced. An uplifting of consciousness will take place that moves the consciousness level quickly through the fourth level to the fifth dimensional level, which is also referred to as full consciousness. Our spiritual and physical abilities will quickly and dramatically change. We will consciously start to remember previous lives and communicate more and more telepathically. Aging, which we now experience, will first slow down and then be reversed and the rejuvenation process will commence.

Ascension is optional and will not be forced on anybody. Those that chose the way towards Ascension will follow Mother Earth to a higher vibrational level in the fifth dimension. Those souls who prefer to continue their experiences in the third dimension (3D) will end this life and start new lives on other 3D planets very similar to Earth. One such planet is called Herculobus and is being prepared specially for souls from Earth. These souls will continue their development on these planets and will eventually be ready to Ascend to the fifth dimension. However, the next opportunity to Ascend in large numbers might take a long time.

The Ascension of large number of souls all at once and in their bodies, which is taking place on Earth is unique and many extraterrestrials in higher dimensions are here to witness the process and help. Normally souls attain a higher level of existence as part of their next life and do not take the body they are in with them. This, our Ascension process en masse and in our bodies, has not previously taken place in this Universe. The Ascension taking place here on Earth takes center stage in more than one way, and it is key to the Ascension that also is taking place in other solar systems in this galaxy.

The extraterrestrials that are here can generally not be seen. They use cloaking technologies for their ships, which make them invisible unless they turn it off and show themselves. This happens more and more often and is the reason for some of the UFO observations.

The extraterrestrials that are here are for the most part friendly and full of love. They belong to the Galactic Federation of Light and reside in the fifth dimension or higher. They also protect us from unfriendly introducers from dark civilizations. In the Galactic Federation of Light there are a majority of human extraterrestrials from Pleiadian star system, from Sirius A, Arcturians, Herculians, Andromedans, Alfa Centurians, Ummites, Procyons, Tau Centians, Lyrians and many more. Lyrians are especially interesting, since it has been said they represent the original human race that developed in the Vega system. The others represent later developed human colonies, which also we are. Members of the Galactic Federation of Light are mostly of human origin, but not completely.

There is also an extraterrestrial dark side, which was allowed by the Creator. The dark side was allowed to infiltrate and cause the destruction of the civilizations on both Lemuria and Atlantis. Many galactic wars were fought with the dark galactic federation called The Anchara Alliance. They had their central locations in the star systems of the belt of Orion.

Members of the Anchara Alliance have more often than not reptilian genetics. For instance the demons and gargoyles that adorn many churches in Europe from the Middle Ages – for instance Notre Dame in Paris – represent extraterrestrials with a reptilian genetic form. One of the most important races is Dracos. It is a powerful reptilian race, both physically and mentally. While most Dracos belong to the dark side there are exceptions.

The extraterrestrials that are most often depicted in our media, as small, grey and with large black cold eyes are not the main players. They are called the Greys or Zeta Reticulians. They do belong to the dark side and are subordinate to the Dracos’ empire. They have been allowed to visit Earth during the last 70 years and have formed agreements with governments during this time. Their goal has been to form a new hybrid race with a mix of their genetics and human genes. Their race has been threatened by extinction and this is their way to save their species. They are the ones who were responsible for fetus abductions, which then were used for creating the new hybrid race. They have also been allowed to have underground bases on Earth. In exchange they have shared aspects of their advance technology, which primarily the American military has had access to. In reality many UFO sightings are the result of ships made by the American military using technology obtained from the Greys. However, this technology does not come close to what the Galactic Federation of Light possesses. ‘

The true power in the dark alliance has a more pure reptilian background. This includes the Dracos and its royal race – the Ciakar. The latter are formidable reptilian individuals with wings. They can possibly correspond to our “myths” about dragons.

Galactic wars have taken place with the Anchara Alliance as the main actor during millions of years. This has, among other things, led to the destruction of the surfaces of Mars and Venus. Our solar system initially had four beautiful water planets, similar to Earth. The fourth planet Maldek was the largest, and was completely destroyed in these wars and all that remains is what we call the asteroid belt. In other words the asteroids are pieces of the former planet. All four planets will be restored to their pristine conditions, via a process called terra-forming, and be part of our new Solar system. The name of Maldek will then be changed to Pax.

For those interested in astronomy it can be mentioned that our current moon previously was a satellite or moon around Maldek and it is not natural. It has an inner construction made out of Titanium. When our current artificial moon was put into orbit around Earth a long time ago the two natural moons that then existed were removed. These two moons will be recreated via terra-forming and the current artificial moon will be removed.

Yet one more planet will be recreated. In it is the innermost planet, inside the orbit of Mercury, called Vulcan. It is small, but was observed from Earth around 1840-1850, but can currently not be seen.

Further, some sources state that Earth has a most unique position in this galaxy. A certain singularity source exists within Earth, from which the whole Milky Way Galaxy grew. This makes Earth a very special and sought after planet, over which many wars have been fought. It can possibly also explain why Earth was not destroyed to the extent that the other water plants were in this solar system. It has further been stated that our solar system will approach and move closer to that of the Sirius system and become a part of it, and its existing suns; Sirius A, B and C.

As we discuss astronomical or geo-physical changes it is also interesting to note that at the time before Atlantis went under Earth had two Firmaments surrounding it. They were two spherical layers of ice crystals in the atmosphere surrounding Earth, which were held in place via the earlier mentioned advanced crystal technologies that existed on Atlantis. The Firmaments served the function of providing a protected and temperate climate around all Earth. When Atlantis went under and the crystals disappeared to the bottom of the ocean the Firmaments could no longer be held in place and the ice crystals fell down to earth. This created the basis for what was retold in the Bible as the Deluge due to the Fall of Man and the anger of the Gods. Recall that as Atlantis went under Humanity fell from full consciousness to limited consciousness.

Atlantis and Lemuria will once again be raised to the surface once the transformation of the surface of Mother Earth starts in earnest. The Firmaments will then also be restored together with the two original moons. This will be part of creating a balanced and temperate climate on Earth.

Let us return again to the fall of Atlantis 13000 years ago, but from a different angle. The remaining and now in capacity reduced human race managed to establish a primitive existence on other continents. Shortly after the fall of Atlantis the Anunnaki extraterrestrial race entered the scene and approached Earth. Their home base is on the planet Nibiru, or sometimes called Planet X, or Planet of the Crossing. It is a planet that goes in an elliptical orbit between Sirius and our Sun. The Anunnaki are sometimes called the Nephilim and were very large in stature – giants. It was a hybrid race with human genetics from Sirius B and reptilian genes from the Orion system. The Anunnaki people worked together with their rulers the Dracos.

As the human race had digressed in development and moved backwards to limited consciousness with its lower vibrations it become easy for the Anunnaki people to land on Earth and set themselves up as gods in the eyes of humanity. The Anunnaki people were not only large in size they had special technologies and abilities as well. The Anunnaki did introduce certain technologies and knowledge, which led to flourishing cultures such as the Sumerians. They built step pyramids, Ziggurats, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere. They functioned as holy places where the Anunnaki showed themselves. Also it was a place for the male Anunnaki to sire offspring with female humans. The offspring was called half-gods. The half-gods had special abilities, such as long lives, stemming from the father’s lineage. These half-gods and their offspring in turn became the founders of the tradition of kingships, under the tutelage of the Anunnaki. During subsequent centuries and millennia Kings were selected from offspring of the original half-gods. They carry a certain special bloodline, which is sometimes referred to as blue blood in nobility and royal families. This has led to attempts to keep royal families marrying within themselves to preserve this bloodline. This same bloodline is also important for the Freemasons. In order to reach the top 33d level within the Freemasons today blood tests are performed and this particular bloodline is required.

The Light did not leave Humanity all together in the hands of the Anunnaki after the fall of Atlantis. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed came to spread the Light. However, the religions that were formed following the departure of such Masters were infiltrated by the dark led by the Anunnaki. The Christian religion went through a major directional change starting with gathering in Nicea in 325 a.d., under the Roman Emperor Konstantin. Before this date the Christian faith contained the concept of reincarnation, but not the concept of sin, and Jesus was seen as somebody who set an example that could be followed and not the Son of God, which nobody else could achieve. Around this time the concept of sin was introduced and a system of going to church to beg, pray for and buy the absolution of your sins. This made the Catholic Church very wealthy over the centuries.

After the time of Jesus Christ the control over mankind became less overt and was achieved by the Anunnaki and their minions through more subtle means. Many secret organizations were formed and some not so secret, such as the Freemasons. Much of the focus was on creating fear and suffering among the populations, which advanced the agenda of the Anunnaki and their overlords.

Lets move quickly forward to the time of the French revolution. Around this time various dark groups supported by secret organizations and the Anunnaki started to use the name Illuminati – the illuminated. However, they are not of the Light, but quite dark. Today the Illuminati consists of about 13 leading families, included here are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and a range of European dark nobility families.

At around the time of the French revolution and the American Revolution Count Saint Germain was active and incarnated in France. This soul was also incarnated as Joseph, father of Jesus, at that time. He was also Christopher Columbus and Merlin at King Arthur’s court. He and Sananda (Jesus) work very closely today and will come back together. So, at around this time St Germain established what is called the Saint Germain World Trust. It is a fund that has been accruing in value since this time, thanks to his financial genius. Also, at this time Saint Germain was key to assisting the Founding Fathers with writing the American Constitution. As the Founding Fathers hesitated in signing the document they had created – fearing for their lives – he appeared in front of them, a stranger, and gave a speech that gave them courage to sign the document.

Since this period in history the dark, mainly the Illuminati, have dominated our world and since 1913 they have used the American Central Bank as a key instrument for this. The 13 Illuminati families own Federal Reserve Bank. The dark have had a very sinister agenda of depopulation on Earth via a range of catastrophes, while at the same time building underground bases to which they would retire and survive the catastrophes in.

As part of the depopulation program the dark designed a plan for three World Wars. The Third World War was intended to be a conflict between the Moslem world and the Western Christian civilizations. The Illuminati’s creation of Israel was part of this plan at the end of World War Two. The state of Israel was created in 1948 based on The Balfour Declaration from 1917, a letter from the then British prime minister to Lord Rothschild – a banker. Attempts are still made to create a Third World War, but it will not be successful.

Also, at the end of World War Two when the first nuclear bombs were detonated it attracted much attention among extraterrestrials. They realized that we were not a sufficiently mature society to handle such powerful weapons. The result became that large number of ships from a number of planetary systems came to our shores to observe and protect. In fact, many sources have stated on numerous occasions that they would interfere if a nuclear war were to develop, and make our nuclear devices non-operable.

While the Anunnaki dark minions, Illuminati and others, have sought to both depopulate Earth and to establish slave like control of the remaining population they have not been successful. Their luck has turned. Around 1995 the Anunnaki decided to abandon their old dark habits at the same time as the Anchara Alliance entered a Peace Treaty with the Galactic Federation of Light. The result became that the dark minions on Earth no longer had the support of the Anunnaki. However, they did not decide to follow the example of the Anunnaki, to join the Light, in spite of encouragement to do so.

However, the Creator and Heaven (non-physical spiritual beings in the seventh dimension or higher) have declared that Humanity on Earth will end its sojourn in the dark – a fact that the dark is trying to ignore. In fact, the Creator intended the dark period for Humanity after the fall of Atlantis to be a period of soul development and growth for Humanity, and from which Humanity would come back. It was never intended to be permanent. Souls volunteered to be part of this experience for their own benefit.

As we transition towards a new Reality of Love and Full Consciousness a battle of the souls and minds of humanity is taking place. It is a battle that the Light will win. It is made possible and fueled by the inner developments among Lightworkers, which makes outer changes and developments possible.

The Galactic Federation of Light will soon be formally introduced by certain Light oriented major governments to the people of Earth. This is where we currently are in the spring of 2015. As the Galactic Federation is introduced our Ascended Masters will also return. This will include Sananda, Saint Germain, Buddha, Mohammed, Hilarion, Mitreya and many more. Also at this time we will be introduced to our cousins in Inner Earth (Agartha).

The Lightworkers are waiting for the first steps, which will precede the above mentioned returns and introductions. These first steps will include a new and fair financial system, which will make it possible to distribute financial blessings to Lightworkers, who in turn will share such blessings with the larger population. Part of the funds for this will come from confiscated funds the Illuminati has stolen from the people. Part of the funds will come from the earlier mentioned Saint Germain World Trust and other sources. Following this, new governance will be introduced. In America this is referred to as NESARA. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This will result in debt forgiveness for individuals and governments and the creation of a fair and caring society for all. Abundance for all will be created. The dark leaders will be deposed and face a legal process, but be given chances to reform as the Light is always forgiving.

Also, many new hidden technologies will be introduced as precursors to the mass landing of our extraterrestrial and spiritual families, plus they will bring new technologies with them. Many of these technologies will be focused on cleaning up the Earth and assisting with transportation and provide free energy sources.

After mass landings have taken place Humanity will go through a steep voluntary learning curve to prepare for full consciousness. Each of us will have our own individual mentor. The returning Ascended Masters will educate us, together with our mentors.

This first phase towards a Galactic society includes spiritual learning, understanding of humanity’s history, abundance, new technologies, new financial systems and governance. However, this is a transitory phase. We first have to reach fourth dimensional consciousness before we move on to the fifth dimension. The period in the fourth dimension will be relatively short.

The transformation to the fifth dimension is both physical and spiritual. A number of new chakra centers are already now in the process of being established in our bodies, causing some inconvenience as we grow. Mankind generally has two DNA strands. However, many are now developing a third strand, confusing many scientists. A fully conscious person in the fifth dimension has 12 strands. These strands are made possible by shifting the DNA sequences, which are now called “junk DNA”. (Our “humble” scientists call them so, since they do not understand their function or purpose.) These DNA sequences might be better called dormant or inactive and will be activated and used in the full 12-strand pallet of DNA. This is the physical basis for the emergence of a new human being, with new abilities and full consciousness.

This transitional phase will eventually end and we will move into true Galactic Society with full consciousness. In such a society all individuals’ needs are met. Money is no longer necessary and instead a form bartering system is used for exchange of services focused on serving the divine. Technology is used for meeting basic needs.

Mother Earth also needs to move into the fifth dimension and restore her surface to pristine conditions. This includes for instance the reemergence of the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis from the bottom of the Oceans. The Firmaments will be recreated and the two original moons will reemerge. This is associated with major physical changes on the surface of the Earth. According to many sources it will not be possible for Mankind to continue to dwell on the surface during this time. Instead people will move either to Inner Earth, where new cities have been build to house and care for people, or they will move to large space ships – Mother Ships.

While in Inner Earth or on-board the large ships mankind will finish its transition to the fifth dimension. An essential part of this will be to enter specially made Light Chambers. These Light Chambers are living sentient beings who will assist the person to finish the transformation to full consciousness, while in the Chamber for three days.

Coming out of these Light Chambers the person will have achieved fifth dimensional consciousness. However, before being ready to function well in such a society certain rules of “etiquette” will have to be learned. The necessity of this can be understood by the fact that in the fifth dimension we will be able to read each ours thoughts. Lies and distortions are not possible.

Our understanding is that also after the final transition to the fifth dimensional existence mankind will primarily inhabit Inner Earth. The surface world will be protected and preserved, with many eco-systems, in pristine conditions. It is understood that other civilizations on other planets reside primarily on the inside of the planet and not on the surface.

Mankind will at this time start to fulfill its destiny, which is great indeed. The new fifth dimensional society on Earth will also include the newly terra-formed planets of Venus, Mars and Pax. These four water planets will constitute the core of the new Sol Star nation, which will include all planets in our solar system. Travels will be frequent between the four water planets and societies will be constructed on all four planets. Earth and this new star nation will also be home to many Galactic conferences within the Galactic Federation of Light, hosting many extraterrestrial humans and non-humans in the fifth dimension.

From this home star nation – Sol – mankind will continue to serve the Light and the divine in this Galaxy and even beyond in other galaxies. The work will be focused on converting this whole Milky Way Galaxy to the Light. Many planetary systems formerly part of the Anchara Alliance will be waiting for assistance to transform their own societies from the dark to the Light. We will provide assistance to them and take on roles similar to what the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation is doing and have been doing for us.

This is all part of the Creater’s larger plan for Humanity and this Galaxy. Our souls are very old and a long time ago, as we were aware of the plan, we volunteered to be part of it. The plan actually included us experiencing the fall of Atlantis and suffering limited consciousness. We saw this as a gift that would provide us with unique knowledge and growth. This experience has prepared us for our future task to assist the numerous star nations waiting to evolve and join the Light.


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