Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – November 15, 2018 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.) The foundation for the QFS is being geopolitically set. Every structure must have a good foundation or it will fall. Brexit was a geopolitical checkmate against the Cabal-influenced EU. The Deep State tentacles in the U.S. are being untangled. The corruption, crimes, and treason of the Deep State committed against the Republic of the united States of America will be exposed. The Deep State is now doing everything they can to maintain control despite knowing they are doomed to fail. The exposing of the Deep State will cause the integrity of the stock market to collapse rendering the fiat financial system “dead”. Once the fiat financial system is declared “dead”, the new quantum financial system (QFS) will be officially adopted by all countries worldwide. All countries have been undergoing reforms over the past few years to become GESARA compliant and QFS compatible. The asset-backed USN is ready to go once the QFS is adopted. The private currency redemption event (RV) is logistically ready to begin once the stock market collapses. Source: Operation Disclosure


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